
Friday, April 04, 2014

Engineering: Weaknesses Transformed into Strengths


Characteristic Weaknesses Transformed into Strengths:

Virtues are natural to Man, and when desired, when called upon, when prayed for sincerely, deliberately and needfully induced, their messengers will beckon and their characteristics shall be grafted to our being. The weakness shall be restored into that which it was originally destined to become, as follows:

Murder, mutilation & blood fetish were once deemed by the ‘black’ occultists as being ways to discover the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. For perversely, in sinister, cruel, cold and anti-human circles, the demonic dire-tribes pushed to explore Man’s inherent spirituality in ways which would try to tear apart the very body it is graced in.

Men do not kill other men, nor do they harm them or indulge in blood warrants. Rather, it becomes a possession/habitation of a malevolent being which is not human that is directing the malicious assault. It is true that in some measure the individual given to the corrupt influence is accountable for the position that he is in, however the intensive drive and hunger provoking the insane soul comes from another which is not sympathetic to our race or being; and reckless because of it.

Remarkably, most men and women have taken part in the three crimes listed above at some time or other. During wars, initiatory rites, sacrificial customs, in sinister or protective contexts, most ‘civilized’ individuals have, in previous lifetimes, caused mortal injury, have been ‘overcome’ in such a way that their very own humanity was renounced. Very few have been serial killers, because they have retained enough of their humanity to see through the karmic repercussions which have been invoked upon them later, because of their involvements before. If nothing else, our own soul’s pictures warn us of the dark places we do not ever again wish to revisit. And so we know better.

Once again we come to value The Source of all Life, Creativity, and The Fires of Life, as Divine Motivation – and, in turn we can rediscover our humanity as it lives inside of us. The indwelling corruption will be expelled and thrown over – praise be to Christ our Protector, in this and in these.


The desire to degrade others comes from a disquiet within the soul, which is constantly nagging at the individual to repair. It is as he does see others through that of his own fractured lens and seeks to prove their inadequacy; not perceiving that of his own.

When worked upon and redeemed this inclination can improve upon itself into a genuine criticism which is fair and accurate. This then goes on to develop as a beginning to discernment, as long as the ego may identify the specific problematic tasks pertaining to it, rather than to others.

The good charioteer of Engineering comes to love this World through the employment of his own efforts – efforts which have brought the spiritual worlds into being through both the creative and the practical imaginative application now materialized. He brings permanency and steadfastness, practicality and cooperative effort into manifestation.

He is the worthy Prince, whose Father, the Divine Architect, is well pleased with.

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