
Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Me, Myself & I- 4

Love bears no karma. No recall. No saving qualities. If we love well it does not by automatic law, return to us. Neither is it fettered or compelled in us to give. This is one of the most wonderful aspects of Love.  

This is high teaching, little understood or taught about, and a mystery which overpasses the parameters of ego. To say that Love has no karmic action attached to it and just is what it is, refutes all reasoning and intent. It is the highest experience we can give and share, and it shall qualify and fulfill the lover in the very moment that they experience that loving, but it will not go any further to command such love to come again. In other words its consequence to become realized is in the living moment and no other.

Now, everything else which is actionable within our daily sphere of being does have a karmic redress. Therefore we may assume that one way or another a man will make good that which he does in any given life. He shall grow to learn the consequences of his deeds and thus be egoicly fulfilled. It takes care of itself - experience will teach with a strong coercion, which is effectively in the best interests of that individual.

One’s own personal karma is instigated internally rather than by external, causal means. Although actions in the world and karmic recall imply that it is an outer process belonging to exterial and exoteric law, it is in point of fact negotiated and commenced inwardly.

Karmic experience is a kindness in that it answers all needs in individuals, needs proven to exist by their conduct and their inexperience. An inept sympathetic nerve requires attunement, and it is by the dictates of the compelling laws within a man that he will be brought to the circumstances most advantageous to his learning. Laws without his being cannot know this and permissibly take advantage.

Every movement of life - within the thought-world or manifest in the actual - entitles Karma. Yet Love itself does not. There may be expressions of this Love which invoke some kind of karmic recall, however, the Love itself is not refundable.

What this means to say is that as students who acknowledge this truth we may go out into the world with the purest of motives when we are loving best ... sincerely understanding that this alone (when heartfelt and actual) is for the sake of its own sake within the moment, and that we are given no investiture because of it.
      And so we may love unselfishly.

1 comment:

Michael said...

When we speak of karma, we mean that which as cause in the one life has its effect in the next. In terms of cause and effect we cannot, however, speak truly of love; we cannot speak of a deed of love and its eventual compensation. True, if there is a deed, there will be compensation, but this has nothing to do with love. Deeds of love do not look for compensation in the next life.

Rudolf Steiner.