
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Chapter 11- Medicine: Exercise 3

Exercise 3

The Remedy

Tools required:

  • Some raw honey
  • Homoeopathic remedies as required

    Culture the remedy which best suits your needs within the honey and take a spoonful both upon rising and before sleeping daily.


Michael said...

Dear Companions,
The only company that I know of that produces homoeopathic medicines without alcohol is Wala. They use the Pices/Virgo morning/night forces:

It is important to use medicines in water (even if they are preserved in alcohol- which can be evaporated off in a glass of warm water). The water is the important component and therefore pills won't do.
The nature of water is divinely feminine:

"In the practice of homeopathy we find that it is not the dilution of
substance alone which enhances the etheric qualities remarkable to it
but moreover it is the water which empowers that substance, it is the
water which imbibes it with force.

Water, by its divine nature, surrenders its body to all other
commodities upon this planet being co-natural to every organic host -
and because of this supreme congeniality it can impart this prime virtue
of itself to those who would consciously make it so."

Michael said...

Here are some hints on the mixing process:

"It is preferable to mix and percuss all homeopathic preparations in a
gold-lined vessel where possible, because of the sensitive and
impressionable nature of the water, remembering that it will be liable
to enhance the properties of the container as well as that of the
substance placed in it. Glass is second best, and silver a definite
no-no - for the forces introduced with silver may or may not be
providential, depending upon the conditions of the moon and the relation
of the substance to it.

"In point of fact the same can be said to some degree for silverware for dining, and personal adornments as well.
In homeopathic reform it was not only that the reintroduction to
certain substance (or moreover, their etheric properties in pure
goodness) was given, but also it is that the assimilation of that
substance is given into water that issues the medicinal difference."

Actually the same can be said for the Communion chalice- gold lined is

Michael said...

Readers of MMI will have noticed another suggestion in the Arts chapter:

"When we incorporate sound in to this sensory experience we
find that the perimeters of the consciousness are shifted out to
where the sound has gone. Sound can help us to travel out from
ourselves so to speak, literally, beyond the physical borders, which
would ordinarily contain the experience. We may go to the gates and
then fly out from them borne up on the pinions of a sound.

"All sounds have an etheric consequence. This follows for
sounds that are inaudible to Man, yet resounding within the ethers.
It is the action of a sound, rather than the action itself, which
gives strength to the percussive effort (such as is used in
homoeopathy for example). Life may stream in from the higher sources
upon a sound, and equally parts of our consciousness can be drawn out
upon the sound as well."

Some homoeopaths recognise the importance of sound in potentisation. They have a little leather cushion, and while holding the remedy in their fist they repeatably pound the cushion. This seems to be the best way to do it.

The Bach remedies will prove useful in this exercise- using raw honey to mix, not mineral water. Remedy finder:

Michael said...

More facts:

"However, what is most overlooked in homeopathy and its practices today is
that it is not solely a question of provocative dissolution either. The
action of the rhythmical percussion calls forth the memory (in matter) and
substantiates also; and there is one other most important connection in
this, the potentisation, and that is Christ Himself! For the etheric life is
He, The Life, and His influence empowers all manifold expression. Homeopathy
is not wizardry, nor is it a reverse dynamic. It is a science of mixed
natures amongst a common ecology. It is the harmonizer, as Christ is remedy
to all conflict and disharmony.

"In this sense we have in the past questioned the ethics of those practices
used to annihilate species using homeopathic techniques to do so. If one
thinks in terms of extinguishing life then they do so running contrary to
the Principle which incorporates all Life and is Life.

"The fusion (temporary) of individualities is remarkable and worthy of
sincere contemplation- the 'coming together' of one upon another, one
alongside another and the very mass of those - that uniqueness may cohabit
is nothing short of extraordinary! It is of itself, a paradox."

Michael said...

"If we are to resolve a threatening imbalance within the physical
constitution, it may be addressed etherically by the powerful attitude of the water herself. To say "like cures like" is not correct in itself. Like becomes like, and it is a misnomer to say otherwise. The reformed 'like' shall reform the 'like' within. The divine nature of the Christ-empowered water shall persuade the inherent nature of the substance to 'give in' to the ordering of the higher ego and harmonize. The action within the man shall be an acquittal and the constitution will be fortified by the relationship now amiable.

"This is a different way of seeing things, granted: that physical malady is due to inner arguments and the resolution lies in the redemption of a conflict made good.

"It is a question of basic philosophy also. Power alone is corruptive. No system can be maintained by the stronger reigning supreme. Health may not be won and maintained simply by knocking-out the poisons and undesirable flora within. Because as with all ecology, the lesser cohabitants support the more powerful, therefore one shall not override the territory of another.

"Similarly the case for homeopathy is not a perspective of a 'knock-out' match - we return to the theory of exacting harmony and the upgrading, the redeeming of substance and being."