
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Chapter 5- Economy: Exercise 1

Exercise 1Counting Sheep’

Tools required:

  • A partner in conversation
  • Small glass container

  • Very small bag of white rice
  • Very small bag of black rice

In an effort to observe and record the threading and relaying of a conversation, place a small ‘herd of black sheep’ (the black rice) into the palm of one of your hands, and a ‘small herd of white sheep’ (the white grains) into the palm of the other.

Having the container (opened) and within reach, commence conversing with your friend. Take notice just how many times you reply to some point that they have made (this needs be a relevant reflection or expansion on the idea they have brought before you) and each time this occurs, place a grain of the one color into the jar. Then, for each time that they respond with a point or comment, carrying the conversation further that same way (not by changing the subject, but in purely relating to what was formerly said by you) place a grain of the other color into the jar to represent their connective thoughts.

After the duration of the conversation count up the ‘sheep’ and see how the conversation has fared.

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