
Thursday, January 09, 2014

Me, Myself & I- 11

Medicine is the answer to a need; it becomes that corrective, that nourishment, that restorative, that specific which is perfect to the wanting.
If we can but understand the nature of this we have already come to Grace and seen her majesty. As the foremost handmaiden to Christ she tends to soul and form with such supplication that is not only required, but also most longed for.

The rain can become medicine to the drought. It might not have been, but then it can be. Do you follow? When you administer to a need within another, and that timing proves the kindness to be so useful that its value is far greater because the need proclaimed it as such… then you have medicine!

An occultist who has not the care and concern for others will rapidly perceive the outer Cosmos as chaotic. Herein lies the view that Creation is without wisdom or divinity, and that evil and good are merely happy parallels within existence. 

Conversely, this view may also be promoted by a very real illness residing within their constitution, by which in sensing the organic disarray, the consciousness mirrors the sadness without.

This of course makes it more difficult to address the physical malady also. Although, it should be said whilst going down this pathway of thought, that the body’s insubstantiality is firstly a problem of this period within the world; it is not indicative of our greatness or gravity majestic to the soul of Man. This is not to say that we do not affect our bodies markedly during the course of our life in who we are and by what we do, however at present all physicality is an unstable material which requires much more etheric fulfillment to be maintained effectively.

For the student who has developed a sound understanding of medicine he will find Christ in the ordinary as well as the sublime. Wherever there is a need there is Christ. As Public Defender Number One, He is there in every empty space, in chambers dark, or overgrown; He will be there until sure that the danger for that soul has long gone, and peace has returned, for in this He is the medicine for all.

The Therapies require and promote true optimism! Once again the imaginative forces are employed, as the therapist intuits the conditions about them which are begging for their assistance.

A therapist realizes at the outset that cooperation is everything. It is this symbiotic synergy of cooperation which shall go on to develop in relationship to all beings further on, alongside a growing comprehension of the Holy Spirit and its actions therein in between.
The Holy Spirit is drawn by a conjuncture of a cooperating two. Where there are two forces which meet (usually to a purpose we might add), there will come the Holy Spirit to further enliven the envisioned task desired.

For the student who has not this comprehension there becomes such a negativity as does promote the death forces as they rampage the world. There is truth to say that they exist, and to the sensitive there is a hardship in the realization of such, however, for some there is an exaggerated experience which is unbalanced and destructive that cordons them off from the very wonderful life forces which abound.

Anti-therapeutic endeavors which invite death (death to the consciousness for example via narcotic ingestion) dismiss the overall comprehension of the cooperative nature of Life.

The gift of this study is one of true ‘spirit’ (spunk!) - vivacity and optimism. These characteristic traits may be extremely useful to the adept at those trying times which will definitely waylay him, and so not only a blessing to all in the short-term exchange, but also a cherishable quality to sequester away for future days.

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